
Miracle on Decatur Street

November 01, 2019
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! One of my favorite holiday traditions is to gather my girlfriends together for a day of gift shopping in the French Market. We pride ourselves in selecting unique gifts for our family and friends while giving back to our community we love by shopping locally. The French Quarter is in our blood; in fact, our private joke is that our blood type is FQ! We shop ‘til we drop, stop for a bite and a cocktail or three, and shop some more!

Seasonal Showcase!

July 30, 2019
New Orleans is a community completely capable of performing several complicated but entertaining tasks simultaneously.

At this time of year, while staging the Greatest Free Show on Earth, which is the annual Carnival spectacle, the City can also present a brilliant live theatre season, set a great dinner table at any of a multitude of fine restaurants (more about that later!), host innumerable conventions, and mount a festival line-up that is the envy of cities around the world.

Dirty Linen Night

July 30, 2019
August 10, 2019 marks the 19th annual Dirty Linen Night celebration on Royal Street. For the third year in a row, the event is being presented by The Royal Street Art District. The event will once again encompass the 300 – 900 blocks of Royal Street and as a highlight add the 1000 and 1100 blocks to the party.

Ghostly Vieux Carré Gallivants

July 30, 2019
New Orleans has over 300 years of history… and mystery. To say that the French Quarter has a deep, complex history is an understatement. It has changed hands during territorial disputes and boasts architecture from the French and Spanish.. This colored past is preserved in the buildings, alleys, courtyards, and homes and because of it, many believe past spirits are preserved there as well. In the land of voodoo, vampires, and witchcraft, it’s no wonder that America’s most haunted city is rife with tales of restless spirits.

Uniquely New Orleans Weddings

May 01, 2019
Native New Orleanians adored Frank Davis, a television personality distinguished by his tag line, "Naturally N'Awlins." He brought attention to one-of-a-kind places and people that were unique to our fair city. There's no denying the city of New Orleans dances to the beat of her own drum and so will you when you make the decision to marry within her multi-cultural, historically rich walls. Steeped in Creole cool, the Big Easy has many beautiful and unique venues for your big day. You will find historic homes & restaurants with some of the most beautiful, tropical courtyards you've ever seen.

Showtime: Summer in the City

May 01, 2019
Summer is supposed to be the slow season in New Orleans…

Yeah, right.

The weather is hot, but so are the lineups at the city’s musical and theatrical venues. In music, there are long-anticipated reunion shows, particularly those featuring prodigal New Orleans acts returning in conjunction with Jazz Fest, as well as huge megastar events featuring both contemporary popstars and blast from the past concerts with throwbacks from the last several decades, and plenty of gigs highlighting up-and-coming stars from every genre.

Savor Our Creole Tomato Festival

May 01, 2019
In New Orleans, a rite of summer is our first taste of the coveted and meaty Creole tomato. The Creole tomato was originally imported from the West Indies and thrives in southern Louisiana's rich soil and subtropical climate. When the farmers in nearby St. Bernard and Plaquemines parishes first called their tomatoes Creole, it meant they were grown in the rich alluvial soil of the area and vine ripened because they did not have to be transported long distances to market. This gave them a rich flavor.


February 05, 2019
There may not be any other city in the world with as much lively “goings on” as New Orleans’ first quarter calendar. The Carnival season, and the nightly, live entertainment continues with jazz and other performances from talented musicians and entertainers. The entire first quarter is busy every year, yet the 2019 season is particularly noteworthy.

It's Party Time

February 05, 2019
The “Greatest Show on Earth,” otherwise known as Mardi Gras, will be celebrated this year on Tuesday, March 5th. The biggest free party thrown in North America always falls 46 days before Easter and is the city's most popular attraction. Visitors and locals alike love the party atmosphere, the crowds, costumed revelers, and the esprit de corps.

There’s Something About Being Anonymous

February 05, 2019
As a native New Orleanian, my favorite tradition to share with family and friends is the annual Mardi Gras Mask Market, a four-day family-friendly festival and a unique specialized craft fair showcasing artisan mask makers. The days, as one may expect, are filled with live local music, usually involving brass bands, local legends, and Mardi Gras Indian groups, food, drink, and Bacchanalian revelry.

On Stage: Entertaining Evenings!

November 05, 2018
Proximity, convenience, dazzling entertainment and dining choices--all in a town that has no respect for closing times. The reasons for visiting New Orleans are varied and often dizzying.

New Orleans is celebrating its 300th birthday and from the energy of the place, you would not guess the town is anywhere near that old. On most nights, the pace of choices can be pleasantly confusing. Where to go can be a question to ponder. Yet, the harder answer is arriving at a decision from the myriad of unfolding selections.