
Dining Diversity

February 05, 2019
New Orleans has always been celebrated in the food world for its French-inspired Creole and Cajun culinary heritage. However, food influences that are the main go-to for locals’ and for the visiting populace are noted as a gumbo of a wide range of different cuisine cultures. Native Americans, diverse settlers, slaves, travelers passing through, and others who have been here have all contributed to the evolving creations of the city’s cookery.

Holiday Dining

November 05, 2018
Fall is always a busy yet welcome season. There’s daily work, students’ new back-to-school schedules, weather changes, and, of course, many interesting and entertaining activities for both outdoors and indoors pleasures.

Meet & Muse Over New Dining Delights

July 27, 2018
For such a time-honored city--New Orleans celebrates its Tricentennial this year, 300 years since its founding in 1718--this place is always hopping and bustling with the latest and the most innovative, whether it’s entertainment, festivals, cultural events, music, dancing, or celebrations of America's most unique culinary heritage.

Savvy, Sassy & Successful!

May 07, 2018
Chefs and restaurant owners were primarily male dominated occupations some time ago. But in today’s environment, there are many excellent female chefs winning accolades and outstanding women who are successful owners.

Brennan family matriarch and Commander’s Palace owner, Ella Brennan, may not have been a chef, but she sure knew everything about cooking and running a restaurant.

Elegantly Casual

February 01, 2018
New Orleans, renowned around the globe for its spectacular cuisine, among other charms, isn’t just about our Creole and Cajun heritage. Over the three centuries since the city was founded in 1718, emigrants, slaves, soldiers, suppliers, and settlers have shared their ethnicity– especially their culinary culture.

Chef's Profile - Curio's Hayley Vanvleet

February 01, 2018
The word is out!

Curio, the French Quarter’s newest and most exciting dining venue, is fast becoming a favorite for both visitors and residents alike. Whether by good reviews, whispers among friends, so Curio doesn’t get too busy for locals to get a reservation, or just passing by don’t miss a trip to this fantastic, new, and truly entertaining dining spot!

The main attraction for Curio’s instant success lies in the distinctive talent and creativity of Executive Chef Haley Vanvleet, French Quarterly’s featured chef for 2018’s first quarter.

Holiday Dining... New Orleans Style!

November 06, 2017
Holiday feasting rituals are celebrated in different cultures across the globe. Some festivities are attached to religious observations, others to historical traditions. Trendy dining choices with extravagant and decadent customs also take hold to become a staple for the holidays.

Chef’s Profile: Lazone Randolph

November 06, 2017
He’s been addressed by many colloquial titles in his more than 50-year cooking career. “Star of the Show,” being the latest. Ted Brennan’s Decatur Executive Chef Lazone Randolph has resumed the role he was meant to play, and did, for decades.

When the descendants of New Orleans’ Brennan family restaurant dynasty stepped down from the renowned Brennan’s on Royal Street and reached out to begin another Brennan restaurant several blocks away, they knew they could count on Chef Lazone to join them in their new enterprise.

Dining Al Fresco!

July 27, 2017
The mid-way season of summer-into-fall is upon us!

Since many French Quarter and nearby eateries offer both inside and outside seating, patrons have numerous choices to make. You and your party can choose to bask in the friendly climate with Mother Nature, or dine inside the enclosed establishment. It’s all about the weather!

Chef’s Profile - Effervescence

July 27, 2017
The exciting 6-month-old Effervescence Champagne Bar and eatery continues to create a vibe in the city among newbies, regulars, visitors, locals, celebrities, neighbors, industry folks, etc. Guests just can’t get enough of it!

Thanks to owner, Crystal Coco Hinds, Effervescence also has a super set of chefs; Co-Executive Chef Brenna Sanders and Co-Executive Chef Evan Ingram head the establishment’s culinary program.

Chef’s Spotlight - Chef Chris Barbato The Country Club

May 02, 2017
The Country Club of New Orleans is entering a new phase in their luxurious renovation. The Country Club staff has added a new member to the establishment. Chef Chris Barbato was selected to join the staff and fulfill the Club’s vision of delivering fabulous food and drinks in a stylish surrounding.

Noted Chef Barbato is a welcome addition to the organization. He is heading up the Country Club’s culinary team, revising the club’s menus, and creating new events. Barbato brings an extraordinary restaurant background to his role as the Country Club’s new culinary honcho.