
Martin Lawrence Spring Art Auction

February 03, 2016
Martin Lawrence Galleries New Orleans will host a live auction Sunday, March 6,, 2016, at the Westin New Orleans Hotel, an extraordinary annual event that collectors, art lovers, gallery browsers and artists, won’t want to miss!

Established in 1975, Martin Lawrence has extended their galleries over the past four decades to ten U.S. locations. The galleries are renowned for their extensive and superb art collection as well as their impeccable customer service.

It Starts at the Heart

February 03, 2016
Art starts at the heart. Literally, when referring to the French Quarter. Jackson Square is in the heart of the French Quarter and is also the center of the local art scene. The Square has been the launch pad for many successful New Orleans artists.

The Gift of Art

November 02, 2015
If you were raised in small town America, and were lucky to have a vibrant downtown area, the holidays were always a special time of the year when you could go to “Main Street” and stroll among the festive holiday decorations and peruse the small shops sprinkled along the street. In many ways, the French Quarter is much like “Small Town America” to the 4,000 or so residents who especially enjoy the neighborhood when the holiday decorations go up and the window displays begin to reflect the spirit of the season.

Hot Night In The City

August 04, 2015
As a French Quarter resident, I’m often asked,
“What’s your favorite French Quarter event?”
I consistently reply, “Dirty Linen Night” in August.
The response is always the same. “It’s so hot in August!”

The Art of Antiquing

May 04, 2015
My best girlfriend and I have been celebrating our April birthdays every year by going "antiquing" on Royal Street. We shop 'til we drop, then plop down for some cocktails and shop some more! As we browse along, walking beneath balconies dripping with Spring flowers, the street's lively aura pulls us in. It showcases our local talents of Dixieland jazz, a puppeteer, a magician, a living statue, a busker strumming a beat-up guitar, and a silver mime"...we are always surprised and delighted by Royal Street happenings.

Sutton Galleries: 100 Years and Counting

May 04, 2015
The premier Sutton Galleries, one of New Orleans' longest running art galleries, celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. Founded in 1915 by Jack Sutton, an art lover with a vision, the gallery is now in its fourth generation of Sutton family ownership.

For more than a century, the Sutton family has offered years of experience dealing in fine art. The gallery offers original oil paintings, as well as limited editions which are hand-embellished by the artist.

Hearing the Beauty that Surrounds Us

February 05, 2015
When I was young, my mother filled our house with music. We would sing all the time, neither of us with any kind of real success. I specifically remember singing "Rhinestone Cowboy" riding in our car when radios were still dial tuned and before seat belts were "fashionable" . As festival season approaches, no time in the French Quarter is more filled with the sounds of music. We come out of the cold weather into longer, warmer, festival-filled weekends that sweep us off our ears and celebrate the sounds that make our neighborhoods famous.

It's A Whimsical World

October 27, 2014
It wasn't until recently that I developed something many of you have had from an early age. Dreams and aspirations not only escaped me, I thought they were downright foolish, and those who believed in them to be even bigger fools. I was perfectly content to live my life as the nice, neat, hot mess that I always have been, funny on the outside and a completely lost individual on the inside. This was especially true in the "dating and relationship" department. I watched as all my friends fell in and out of love, some marrying, and some divorcing.

For the Love of It

July 28, 2014
I have a really big problem with movies about hauntings. Well, not so much a big problem with the movies themselves as much as the people in them. You know the kind I mean: they sit around wondering what or whose voice is telling them to get out, rather than packing. Personally, I don't need a voice. A post-it on the fridge would work for me, I am just that easy. Then there's that one guy who takes the broken flashlight into the basement full of dismembered baby dolls. And inevitably the chick who just must shower, alone, naked, in the haunted house, at night.

A Royal Stroll

May 06, 2014
Sitting right on top my bucket list is a picture of me sitting right on top Mount Kilimanjaro. Whenever I say this, people look at me like I am bat swattin' crazy. You see, I am not exactly one who enjoys long strolls anywhere. I don't walk on the beach because lying down on the beach is better, I don't to hike in the forest because lying down in the forest is better, and I don't strolling through neighborhoods looking at cute houses, because lying down on my sofa in my own house is better.

Stepping Back in Time in the "Paris of the South"

February 11, 2014
Sipping Cafe au Lait while indulging in buttery, golden croissants at the Croissant D'Or Patisserie, we stepped back into a time when time itself was savored and sipping coffee with friends was a special daily ritual. For a moment, we thought that we might walk out the door and see the top of the Tour d'Eiffel peeking at us from behind a row of Haussmann apartment buildings rather than the Ursuline Convent nearby.